Why have a Wicked Wedding?
Because it'll be awesome!
and here's a few reasons why...
Why have a humanist wedding ceremony?
Start your day with a bang!
Whatever shape your ceremony takes, I can guarantee that your guests will be awe-struck... Even if they've been to a humanist ceremony before they've never been to yours.
It'll be a once in a lifetime event bursting with love, joy and magic. Your ceremony will get everyone on board, rooting for your marriage and in the mood for a day of celebrating love and life!
It's a pretty superb way to start your marriage too...
It's not just about the ceremony... it’s so much more. You'll do a lot of soul searching, revisit why you fell in love, investigate what makes you a great team and explore why you have chosen to spend the rest of your lives together. You'll end up with a deeper understanding of your relationship and surely there is no sounder way to begin married life. The content of your ceremony and the promises you make will lay a solid foundation on which to begin your marriage and will get you really excited about your journey ahead :)
Your ceremony will be unique
Fun, flexible, creative and totally about you!
The entire content of the ceremony is driven by the conversations we have about your relationship so the ceremony will be incredibly meaningful, highly engaging and a super special experience for you and your guests.
I especially love working with couples to invent brand new symbolic actions which reflect their lives and personalities. A ritual that has never happened before and will never happen again; something that is designed exclusively for you and your ceremony.
Get married whenever, wherever, however you like!
Field, beach, hotel, pub, vineyard, garden, village hall... wherever you fancy! The only thing I can't do is anything involving a great height... so bungee jumping is out for me!
Get married any time of the day, night or year you like.
It's your wedding, do it your way!
Every single word said will be significant
There are no pre-prescribed words that have to be said so everything you say and I say will be important. Most couples like to write their own vows and I can of course help you with this. Don't worry if you don't know where to start, I'll help you with that too! It's all part of the process.
Get your guests involved!
There's all sorts of wonderful ways that we can make your loved ones feel included... a poem from mum, hand fasting friends, cute kids with props, dance-offs, sing-a-longs, ring bearing cockatoos! There's bags of potential here but only if you want to of course.
Everyone will get it
Ever been to a religious ceremony where you don't know when to sit, stand or repeat after someone...? Well humanist ceremonies aren't like that. All of your guests, no matter what their background, will fully understand everything that is happening and will feel 100% included in your celebrations.
We will get to know each other
I love everything about my job but what I love most is getting to know beautiful people...
We will have some real deep and meaningfuls along the way and will develop quite a special relationship. You will probably tell me things you have not told anyone except each other before. If I’m honest, I get pretty attached to couple :)